Classification Details
The Dewey Decimal system is the preferred classification system to be used. Periodicals are not put in the system, along with equipment. The only materials that have a call number are books and other materials are written in binder behind librarians desk.
Fiction Books
12 pt font with FIC on the top and the first three letters of the author's last name under FIC. (ex. COL for Collins) All in caps.
Fiction books are filed alphabetically with the same author having multiple books, then the books are filed alphabetically by title.
These books are located on the back wall.
The spine label has the dewey number on the top, up to 7 numbers (ex. 352.4125).
The next line is the first three letters of the author's last name.
The books are filed starting with the lowest number and getting larger. Then they are filed alphabetically by author's last name after that.
These books are located on the left side of the librarian's desk on the side wall.
These books have REF on the first line of the spine label.
The second line is the dewey number with up to seven numbers.
The third row is the first three letters of the author's last name.
These are filied chronologically and then alphabetically.
The books are located on the opposite wall of the fiction books and next to the nonfiction section.
These have B for the first line of the spine label.
The next line is the first three letters of the author's last name.
These books are located next to the nonfiction section, but between the fiction.
These books are filed alphabetically by the subjects last name.