1. Review Policy- these policies will be reviewed on the teacher workdays prior to the start of the school year or as needed.
2. Weeding Policy- weeding will happen at the end of the school year, during inventory which occurs on extended days. A record should be kept of books that have been weeded. Removal of barcode and spine label should be done prior to removal. All efforts should be exhausted to remove mention of Southeastern library on the book which includes blacking out the stamps on the book. Items will be taken out of the catalog and marked as weeded; however, the record will remain. Board has final approval over what is weeded and must be board approved before removing. All efforts to reuse, recycle, etc. will be made.
3. Donation- Donated items will be cataloged the same as nondonated items. A note will be made in Sirsi as to where the item came from when cataloging. Monetary donations will be at the discretion of the library media specialist.
4. Inventory- Inventory will be done at the end of the school year. Books are due back two weeks prior to the end of the school year and inventory can start. Items should be marked as lost or missing in Sirsi and taken out of the system, but the record kept in the system.