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Processing Books and Materials

Pre-processed Books from Follet or Perma-Bound

1. Verify books received with invoice of purchased items.

2. Invoice needs to be turned into pffice with the school secretary if correct.

3. If invoice is incorrect, call vendor.

4. Make sure to check in and check out books in the system to verify they are correct and look over MARC record.

5. Add date due slip to the inside back cover.

6. Stamp the top, side, and bottom with Southeastern Library. Also add stamp to the inside cover and inside back cover.

Books bought from Scholastic or Amazon

1. Verify books received with invoice of purchased items.

2. Invoice needs to be turned into pffice with the school secretary if correct.

3. If invoice is incorrect, call vendor.

4. Place barcode on the upper left hand corner of the front cover vertically and place clear label on top of it.

5. Place call number on the spine half inch from the bottom of the book with clear label on top of it.

6. Add date due slip to the inside back cover.

7. Stamp the top, side, and bottom with Southeastern Library. Also add stamp to the inside cover and inside back cover.

8. If the book is a hard back with no jacket cover or a paperback, no further processing needed. If the book has a book jacket, place laminate over jacket cover and tape jacket cover to the book.

9. Make sure to check in and check out books in the system to verify they are correct and look over MARC record.

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